Get Involved for Alzheimers

We rely heavily on help. If you would like to do something to help Alzheimers Otago, you can contact us on 03 471 6154


It is that time again to reach out to you and invite you to participate in our survey about our services. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our people with dementia, their care partners, stakeholder agencies, medical professionals, aged care facilities, and the broader community about your experiences and insights regarding our services and activities. This survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete, your feedback is highly valued and greatly appreciated.

The survey is now OPEN and will close on Friday 15th December 2024.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. This survey will be 100% anonymous. To protect your confidentiality, we will not disclose your responses.

Please click on the links below to complete the various surveys (and also attached as PDF document to be completed and emailed back to me). If you would this survey mailed to you, please let us know and we will mail it to you.


Carer Survey (click on the link below) – for Carers to complete. 


My Experience Survey (click on the link below). The person with dementia and or with support from their Carer to complete. Please use the faces to indicate your feelings on the provided questions and feel free to add any comments to your survey response.


Programme Survey (click on the link below). The person with dementia and or with support from their Carer to complete. Please use the faces to indicate your feelings on the provided questions and feel free to add any comments to your survey response.


Volunteer Survey 


STAKEHOLDER SURVEY (click on the link below)


Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. Your responses will help us in future planning

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